17 août 2011


Appel à la prière.
Voir le commentaire ci-dessous.

1 commentaire:

Sr. Marina, chief editor of Christian publication "New Wings, Kerala, India a dit…

As you might have already known, thousands of our brothers and sisters are fighting for a corruption-free India. They need our support, our prayers and God's blessings. Let us stand up for the poor, for their rights, for equality and justice, for real freedom. Let us join our hands in prayer in our communities, families and prayer groups so that the nation which is rising from its long sweet slumber may be at unrest until it receives justice. Let us pray for our political leaders that God's divine wisdom may lead them. For the supporters of this movement, for the safety of their lives, their families and belongings.
Arrests and murders have already begun in several villages. We encourage you to fast and pray for a corruption-free India.

Sr. Marina

(mailed Wed.17.08.11)